The flight from Heathrow to Cape Town was the longest flight either of us have ever been on. It took about 11 and a half hours to make the journey. Prior to this trip, Kari had never flown on a red-eye before; now she has flown on two. You know a flight is long when they provide both dinner and breakfast plus as much in-flight entertainment as you want free-of-charge.
For the most part, the flight was rather uneventful. We both tried to sleep as best we could. Ben was able to sleep in 1-2 hour blocks a few times throughout the flight. Not ideal, but better than nothing. As we were walking through the terminal following our exit of the plane, Kari realized that she left her jacket on the plane. Thankfully, we were close to the gate, so we turned around and were able to retrieve it. Somehow it got kicked under the seat in front of her, out of her line of sight when collecting her bags.
When we landed, we quickly went through customs, grabbed our bags, exchanged some currency, and found our driver to head off to our hotel and begin our adventure in Cape Town.
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